Here is my video that i and my friend, dzul, made. this video is for the english assignment that our english teacher give us. here is the video :
and here is the script :

Dzul : Hi Rafly, how are you ?
Rafly : Do i know you ?
Dzul : Yes it's me Dzulfaqor, your old friend.
Rafly : I'm just kidding, man. so what's up Dzul ?
Dzul : Yeah great, you know, now i'm working at microsoft studios.
Rafly : Wow, that;s great ! i heard it's hard to get a job there.
Dzul : Yes, at first i got rejected because the competition are very tough and there are so many rival.
Rafly : So how can you get accepted the second time.
Dzul : Yeah, because i have experience from the second try.
Rafly : By the way, congrats on your new job, Dzul !
Dzul : Yeah, Thank you and how about you ?
Rafly : My live is great, i have been graduated from Harvard and now i'm currently looking for a job.
Dzul : Oh, do you have any plan where will you work at ?
Rafly : A plan... Yeah. I want to work at a hospital,but if i get rejected maybe i will try to find a job                in Marvel studio
Dzul : oh, wish you luck man
Rafly : yeah
Dzul : By the way, i have something to do now, thank you Rafly.
Rafly : Bye


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